Thursday 1 December 2011

1st Front Page LIIAR Analysis

Langauge - From the language of the front cover headings, the magazine shows that the magazine is meant for a possibly rebelious audience due to it's standing as a rock/punk rock magazine, this is shown by the example of the subheading 'I couldn't give a s*** what Kurt thought' showing that they're not just the usual magazine and want to stand out from the rest by using a more broad and understood version of language. The main image also conveys this wild sort of feel to the magazine with the man featured in the image staring at the camera in a point blank way gives us this feeling of being measured in our own worth with the fact that he's wearing quite a judging expression, he's also featured in the main title.

Institution - The actual institution which publishes the magazine is called, IPC Media which also publishes other magazines of the same type alongside magazines of completely different genres.

Idealogy - The magazine cover shows that the genre contains rebellion, this is shown by the direct glare of the model, he also is wearing various animal print items of clothing which are associated with possible anger/ferociousness which is usually a forefront of rock, with the brash attitudes and angry gestures. He is also clad in studded clothing, showing another angle of the rock stereotypical anger.

Audience - The magazine has a distinct readership profile of people who are of the average age of 24, and are pre-dominately male, however it does have quite a large female following and over half of them work full time, the actual audience however would be fans of rock music what with NME being a magazine which only truly features rock artists and/or alternitive music genres. The magazine also has other bands interviewed about other bands which interests a fair few viewers.

Representation  - The magazine shows the main model in a heavy leather jacket and animal print, this could show the heaviness of the rock lifestyle along with the wild attitude and backstage shows which are attributed to it.

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