Sunday 11 December 2011

2nd Front Page LIIAR Analysis

Language - Straight away we see that the band featured on the cover is called Converge, this is due to the large title which is bold and stands out from the other orange and blueish text around it, it's also almost the same size as the magazine name, this shows us that it is of importance, we also label the four people on the front as the band, due to them being stood just behind it. We can also see the sign in the top left which says FREE, this entices the reader to buy the magazine so that they get the free merchandise, in this case the ESCAPI MUSIC DVD, this helps get people who might not like the magazine nor the band to buy it, due to the fact that they could like the offer of the DVD. We also see that their style of the magazine is kept the same throughout, with the engaging colours of blue, white, orange and black, these are standard colours which could've been chosen due to the fact that they're easy to read, what with white and black being complete opposites and blue and orange being used in programs and magazines which people who have colour blindness might read, this could open the magazine to a larger variety of readers, therefore increasing the readership variety.

Institution - We can automatically assume that decibel wants to be the best music magazine for it's genre, this is due to the fact that the magazine is open to a variety of different readers, however in more research we also can find that decibel doesn't have a publishing house, this is different due to the majority of magazines not publishing themselves.

Ideaology - The ideology associated with this cover is that they want to show off the band CONVERGE, possibly for them to expand the music genre they cover to create additional growth in the audience or just for variety, however they also are trying to draw additional readers in with the offer of a free DVD and the other bands which are noticed on the cover, for example KillSwitch Engage (KSE) and The Dillinger Escape Plan. However the magazine itself also has it's own ideology in the form of it's name, we can assume due to it covering metal bands which are generally quite loud it's name shows that it wants to be the loudest and best magazine for metal and loud music out there.

Audience - From the look of the band we can assume that they're around 18-28 this involves the readers age also what with any readers from 18-28 being able to possibly relate themselves with the band, the audience could also look like the band, what with the long hair and tattoos.

Representation - The image on the front cover of the magazine shows off the iconic or blank t-shirts/vests which are associated with metal concerts and the whole metal fanbase, this allows the readership to relate to them, or possibly spot them in similar clothes enforcing the image of recognised metal symbols. The magazine also represents the band as quite rebellious what with the tattoos and the long hair which is noticeable on 3 of the 4 members of the band, this shows the more public stereotype of metal bands, due to the tattoos moreso than the long hair, due to most people who have tattoos being labelled as 'rebels' and not conforming to society's norm.

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