Wednesday 18 April 2012

3rd LIIAR Contents Page Analysis

Language - From the Language which is used on the contents page we can see that this magazine caters too a fair few different types of band and other types of music along with the house style of red white and black colours, this helps make the language stand out and appeal to more than one group of people during the time that it is sold, this helps make sure that people don't just associate NME with a certain group of people and therefore helps them sell more copies of the magazine. However we can also see language such as NEWS and REVIEWS this could show more of a side to NME which allows people who don't necessarily like the magazine to see what they have to say about the band that they like or what news is abuzz in the music community.

Institution - NME is published by IPC Media which actually publish other magazines aswell, because of this we can assume that they want to promote different types of music and not just the music which NME covers.

Ideology -This pages ideology leans towards offering the readers different bands and features, it also has different categories such as 'LIVE!' snd RADAR in order to get more people who just flick through a magazine before buying it, to actually buy it. The magazine also has other things such as 'Gig guides' and extra things in the bottom right such as a crossword.

Audience -The audience of this magazine would be people who are interested in most music genres since it features a lot of different bands, however from the picture on the page and what we also saw on the front page we can assume that it would more likely be people who are interested in rock music and it's related sub genres, they might also have attended events in the past for the bands which are featured

Representation - The magazine represents different genres of music, however the contents page itself represents the different sets of items on the list and other types of things as more pronounced than others, for example the NEWS looks to be quite large, while there are other smaller titles throughout the contents page.

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