Wednesday 28 March 2012

2nd LIIAR Contents Page Analysis

Language - The langauge used in the Contents page shows off the very varied forms of music which enters the Q magazine's hallways, for example we can see several different types of music on the left side which is the start of the categories of bands such as OASIS, Kings of Leon, Kariser Chiefs and Glasvegas, these are all fairly different bands and thus have different styles which the magazine actually covers and mentions presumably in the articles, however we can also see something on the left which mentions Buskers which are known to perform in the public, we also notice that they have a special on OASIS which are widely regarded as a rather good band, this provides something for members of the public who might not ususally buy the magazine with something to buy it for, we can also note that they provide something called The Q List, which is a list of upcoming stars and is judged by a celebrity/TV Judge.

Institution - The Q magazine is published by the Baeur Media Group, which is a company which operates from Hamburg (Germany) primarily, however works in around 15 other countries worldwide, this allows them to 'play the market' and present things for different people from around the world, they also publish KERRANG.
Ideology - The ideology of this magazine seems to be less of a 'offer free stuff' attitude and more of a attitude in which the content of the magazine is held closer to the ideals of the company, for example on close inspection of the magazine they do not seem to offer free items or anything of the sort at least in the contents page section of the magazine, this allows them to focus more on engaging the reader's interest when they are picking what content to display, for example this can be shown when they advertise the OASIS SPECIAL showing off that they have got OASIS, to have an interview with their magazine, in my opinion from analysing this contents page I've found that they seem to prefer to show off to customers that they have got exclusive interviews and other things of the like, this allows them to draw more readers in and because of this I would say that they have an ideal in which they want to be better than the rest of the magazine industry and offer a more varied amount of material in their product.
Audience - Through research and the fact that the main focus of this contents page is OASIS, I've found that the average reader has a personality of usually being quite open minded is usually of several different ages from around 17+ and they generally do not define music as anything specific, usually caring to listen to many different types of music and will usually not come too far above their love of other things such as film, sport or other types of media.
Representation - The magazine represents the different types of people in it quite cleanly, this is mainly due to the fact that there are two different pictures of fairly different people, one of a band, which seems quite confident and seem as though they have had a lot of success, the other of someone who seems to shy away from the camera by standing slightly behind the large romanesque achitecture/pillar, this shows off two different types of personality and two types of music, a solo artist and the band parts of the music industry and magazine. There is also a feature on the left column of the magazine which while highlights with no pictures does have a solid mention in the magazine, this represents that they havea more old school sort of readership which idolises some more of the badass rock and roll kind of bands, or people who simply want to relive the older days of music.

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