Monday 7 November 2011

LIIAR analysis of the Brief.

Language - My music magazine will need to contain a masthead, sub-titles with appropriate content, advertisements which contain suitable offers to my target audience and a colour scheme which will correspond to the genre of music I am trying to portray. I will also use camera angles such as MCU and possibly Midshots to show the type of clothes and style of people I use in my magazine.

Institution - During the production of the magazine it will be printed on A4 paper, non-slip which would allow the reader to not worry about dropping and accidentally ripping said magazine, an example of this type of paper is the music magazine NME, however I would possibly try to use some sort of a glossy paper to enhance the visual look while it was being sold, since it can't really show off itself while it's on a shelf. The actual magazine would probably be sold for around £1.25 to £1.80, however I'm leaning towards a a slightly balanced price such as £1.45 or £1.55.

Ideology - Ideology refers to the values of the company or the morals/ideals that they wish to follow, the company will try to keep to these standards in order to keep readers happy. For example NME mainly uses rock or alternative bands but also likes to use news to it's advantage.

Audience - Audience refers to the people who the magazine is aimed at, this can relate to age, gender, social class or interests etc... 'decibel" for example would be aimed at people who like loud music this could lead on to show that it has an audience of people who enjoy metal/rock music.

Representation - Representation refers to what the music magazine is trying to put across to the audience, this is mainly portrayed on the front cover of a music magazine, if for example, Julian Casablanca was on the front cover of a magazine, we know that the particular issue of the magazine will be aimed at people who enjoy rock music and are interested in him and/or The Strokes, the front cover usually represents what will be on the double page or contents page inside of the magazine.

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