Thursday 6 October 2011

Terminology for Magazine Covers

Masthead - A magazines title which is usually in the top left corner.
Price - The price of the magazine.
Date - For weekly is usually from Saturday to Friday, for monthly is usually a month ahead.
Issue Number - The tally/count of magazines.
Barcode - Read by electronics and turned into usable info.
Teaser - A one word or phrase which acts as an attention grabber for the audience.
Main Feature: Headline - Something which tells the audience the main point of the magazine, usually large print and different colour and font to the other writing.
Subtitle - Smaller healine which can summarise the feature.
Smaller Feature - Feature's which make up the rest of the magazine apart from the main feature.
Images - Usually a Close Up or a Medium Close Up, usually ranges from one main image towards an 'x' amount which can feature one main and many smaller images. They're used to make the page more interesting and break it up. can also add understanding to a story and help lure the reader into reading the magazine.
Font - the style and size of wording/type face.
Colour - Specific/thematic/stylistic types of layout.
Graphics - Graphical shapes to highlight features of a page.
Offers/adverts Blurb - Banner style and shape of free products or promotions.

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